California Law & Ethics

California Law and Ethics Exam Preparation

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MFT Law & Ethics Exam Prep
LCSW Law & Ethics Exam Prep
LPCC Law & Ethics Exam Prep
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California Law and Ethics Exam - Live Online Workshop

As low as $149.00

This 5-hour Live Online Workshop is led by an engaging instructor and uses easy-to-follow PowerPoint presentations and content handouts presented in a fully interactive, online environment. Learn directly from an experienced instructor and subject matter expert. Ask questions, receive feedback, and review practice questions covering exam content areas to help you study for the California Law and Ethics exam. This workshop is included in our comprehensive California Law & Ethics Exam Prep Course with Live Online Workshop

Additional Study Materials

Testbanks, full practice exams, textbooks and study aids to help you pass your California Law & Ethics Exam

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Ready to try a sample exam?

Ready to try a sample exam?

Ready to try a sample exam?

Frequently Asked Questions

The California Board of Behavioral Sciences (BBS) requires associates (ASW, AMFT, and APCC) to pass the California Law and Ethics Exam in order to earn their license. The Law and Ethics Exam was designed to assess the candidate’s understanding of the legal and ethical practices that govern clinical practice.

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The California Law and Ethics Exam contains 75 questions, 25 of which are experimental, and do not count towards your final score. Upon completion of the Law and Ethics Exam, candidates will receive a pass or fail.

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The California Law and Ethics Exam may seem overwhelming, but with time, hard work, and the right materials, success is within reach! Before you begin studying, it’s important that you understand what will be covered, so that you can put together a study plan to guide you through the process.

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Professional Licensure Exam Prep for LMFT, LCSW and LPCC Candidates

Welcome to Gerry Grossman Seminars. We have 35+ years of experience helping candidates like you successfully prepare for their licensing exams. From engaging live workshops, comprehensive study courses, and state-of-the-art online exam simulations, we give you the test-taking tools, methods, and materials you need to augment your knowledge base and test-taking strategies and ensure that you are fully prepared for your exams.

Exam Prep for California Law and Ethics

What is the Law and Ethics Exam?

The California Law and Ethics Exam is a 90-minute, 75 question test that was created to ensure that unlicensed Social Workers, Marriage and Family Therapists, and Clinical Counselors understand the specific laws and ethics that govern clinical practice. Only 50 of the 75 questions are scored; the remaining 25 questions are pre-test items included to measure their effectiveness for use on future exams. Passing the Law and Ethics Exam is required in order to obtain your license as an LCSW, LMFT or LPCC in the state of California.

Ready to try a sample exam?

Ready to try a sample exam?

Ready to try a sample exam?